> en francais   


For the BELMAL house label, and for the GREENE brand, the malletier Jean-Pierre Bal creates real trunks, one by one, entirely handmade and based on a unique design. Each custom-fitted item expresses unequaled character.


Those perfectly functional and high luxury prestige trunks can be used for travel but also for transport of exceptional collection items or appear in historical films, art and craft exhibitions, or even in fashion events if not quite simply as interior decoration.


The term expressly-made artwork describes those superb creations made by an exceptional craftsman in Belgium, as well as during his stays in France. The BELMAL and GREENE trunks, true masterpieces of art and craftsmanship intertwined, are made on special commission. The one-time creations that Monsieur Bal calls his ‘Solitaire’ are often the subject of discreet word of mouth among connoisseurs who invest in rare and precious objects.


At BELMAL and GREENE manufacturing is a perfect fusion of ancestral methods, creativity and techniques from art academies, while using natural materials and ecological products in the manufacturing process hyper-respectful of the environment. The same applies to PARÉ, the brand associated with the Ecoles des Malletiers Gilbert & Paré schools founded by Mr Bal. He there teaches trunkmaking methods and techniques, in Paris notably. 


-> The BELMAL House:   home  |   contact  


-> Ecole des Malletiers Nicolas Gilbert Belgium and Jean Paré France 


-> Malletier to royalty: GREENE of 1526 



© Copyright 2009-2024, OGISPES for BELMAL MALLETIER Fashion Trunks Belgium assoc.  collection Museum, PARÉ MALLETIER Europe, and GREENE United Kingdom. All rights strictly reserved. Reproduction of any content of this website is prohibited. update: 202-05-04